Why Yousuf Invested in Scoop

Scoop Team
Why Yousuf Invested in Scoop

When it comes to backing early-stage startups, Yousuf Khan, General Partner at Ridge Ventures, knows a thing or two. 

With a track record that includes stints as CIO and CISO at heavyweights like Qualys, Pure Storage, and Moveworks, as well as been an early customer of companies such as DataDog and Slack, Yousuf has been seen his fair share of tech innovation. 

So, when he decided to invest in Scoop, we knew we had something special. 

But don’t just take our word for it—let’s dive into why Yousuf put his money where his mouth is.

Solving a Problem That’s Been a Thorn in His Side

If there’s one thing that frustrates Yousuf (and pretty much every executive out there), it’s the headache of managing data. 

He’s seen firsthand how tough it is to wrangle a decent, effective data strategy across enterprises. 

"A large part of my investing in companies comes from a customer perspective," Yousuf says. "Having a very decent and easily manageable, as well as effective, data strategy in enterprises has been really, really hard."

Yep, we feel that pain. And that’s exactly the gap Scoop is here to fill.

The Scoop Difference: It’s All About the Experience

So, what exactly made Yousuf take the plunge? 

For him, it was all about making data work without breaking a sweat. 

"The problem being solved by Scoop is making it easy for people to be able to actually use the data, to extract it, and then put it to work in a high-quality, high-fidelity visual experience," Yousuf explains.

In a world where "self-service analytics" is more buzzword than reality, Yousuf believes Scoop is the rare exception. "Scoop is the only one that comes really, really close to making self-service analytics a reality," he says. 

And honestly, we’re blushing.

A Team That Knows Its Stuff

Let’s be real—products are great, but it’s the team behind them that makes the magic happen. 

Yousuf saw this in our squad from day one. 

"When we referenced each of the founders, starting with Brad, we discovered a team that has experience in building a company or, in the case of Janet and Gabe, being involved at the ground level of companies in this space. I think that was a very, very good formula."

A strong team with a sharp understanding of the market? Check. 

Yousuf’s confidence in us is clear: "It’s a phenomenal product with a great team. I think the market needs to be educated, and I hope they will be."

Overdelivering on Expectations

Since joining the Scoop family, Yousuf’s enthusiasm has only grown. 

He’s been blown away by our user experience. 

"It’s shockingly brilliant, the user experience... I think it’s a best-in-class experience," he says. "I was expecting a good product, but this is a really great product, and I think everyone should be using it. No question."

We’re not ones to brag, but when Yousuf says something like that, it’s hard not to smile. 

And it’s not just for show—we’re helping teams like his streamline processes, even in board meetings. 

"We use it for board meetings... the user experience is pretty phenomenal," Yousuf adds.

Looking Ahead: The Challenge of Education

Even with all this excitement, Yousuf recognizes there’s a road ahead. 

The challenge? 

Getting people to see the light.

"People have just accepted a negative standard," he notes. "Unfortunately, people have accepted that as a standard when the reality is that Scoop solves a large part of that problem area. Educating the market and getting people to accept that this is a new possibility is probably the headwind."

But Yousuf isn’t one to shy away from a challenge. 

"Ultimately, it came down to the fact that everybody just didn’t believe it was possible... I saw that in Scoop. And so I’m just super excited about the company," he says.

And you know what? We’re pretty excited too. 

With Yousuf in our corner and Scoop continuing to grow, we’re ready to change the game. 

So here’s to making data work for everyone—and to proving that self-service analytics isn’t just a dream, it’s the future.

Why Yousuf Invested in Scoop

Scoop Team

Scoop is the only platform that lets revenue, marketing, and finance operations teams action each stage of the data lifecycle. Pull data from any source, blend it from multiple applications using spreadsheets, and present it seamlessly in beautiful, filterable Scoop slides during your Monday morning meetings. It’s also fully automated, freeing you from IT, APIs, imports, and “how old is this data?” Developed by industry veterans who pioneered cloud-based data analytics, Scoop is designed for non-technical business analysts seeking the shortest path from data to decision-making.