Unicorns Aren’t Real – But RevOps Teams Are

Scoop Team
Unicorns Aren’t Real – But RevOps Teams Are

We all know Silicon Valley loves its unicorns, but let’s face it, RevOps leaders aren’t one of them. 

And they definitely don’t come with magic wands, no matter how much we wish they did. 

Here at Scoop, we’ve talked to enough RevOps pros to know that they’re being asked to pull off some serious wizardry on the regular. 

And, what’s the most common gripe we hear? 

It’s this: Senior management assumes RevOps can do everything.

They’re expected to:

  • Master CRM administration
  • Implement and maintain every shiny new tool under the sun – think Gong, Apollo, Regie (you know the drill)
  • Be gurus of high-level strategy
  • Analyze every report imaginable, backwards and forwards
  • Predict the company’s future and then magically make it happen

All with a wave of that nonexistent magic wand.

Let’s be real: RevOps is not one-size-fits-all. 

The role looks different from company to company. Sometimes it leans into FinOps, other times into marketing ops. It could be about territory allocation, or it could be high-level strategy. 

And the responsibilities are as varied as the management teams that define them.

So, what’s the fix?

For companies hiring RevOps talent, the key is clarity

Define exactly what you’re looking for. 

Do you need someone to rule over Salesforce with an iron fist, or do you need a strategist who can sift through data and guide the business forward? 

Different skills. Different people.

And for RevOps candidates? Know thyself. 

Understand your superpowers — and just as important, know where your Kryptonite lies. 

Take time to map out your skill sets and figure out which boxes you tick (and which ones you don’t). 

That way, you can filter opportunities based on what matches your strengths and what’s more of a stretch.

No magic wands here, people.

Just good old-fashioned self-awareness and clarity.

Where does Scoop come in?

At Scoop, we get it — the world of RevOps is complex, and understanding how all the pieces fit together is no easy task. That’s why we’ve built a platform designed to bring clarity to your data and processes.

Whether you’re a RevOps leader trying to optimize performance or a company looking for better visibility into your sales pipeline, Scoop Analytics helps you analyze, measure, and track the metrics that matter most. Instead of relying on guesswork or gut feelings, Scoop gives you actionable insights that empower smarter decision-making.

So, to sum it all up:

  • Hiring managers — know exactly what you need before posting that job.
  • RevOps pros — know exactly what you bring before hitting apply.

Because finding the right fit shouldn’t be as rare as a unicorn.


Unicorns Aren’t Real – But RevOps Teams Are

Scoop Team

Scoop is the only platform that lets revenue, marketing, and finance operations teams action each stage of the data lifecycle. Pull data from any source, blend it from multiple applications using spreadsheets, and present it seamlessly in beautiful, filterable Scoop slides during your Monday morning meetings. It’s also fully automated, freeing you from IT, APIs, imports, and “how old is this data?” Developed by industry veterans who pioneered cloud-based data analytics, Scoop is designed for non-technical business analysts seeking the shortest path from data to decision-making.